
Showing posts from April, 2018

Donga Mantung Female Championship

Finals of the Female Championship in Donga Mantung organised by Abanda Marcel and Sponsor by Rogers Nforgwie with support from Ndu Council Besides bringing the youths together through sports to keeping them very occupied, busy, healthy building their minds positively and mentoring for a better today and tomorrow and in times like the ones we are living in Cameroon, so far, it was more than just sports.  We are pleased to say that we have so far attained the following objectives:  1. Register over 180 Youth on the National Youth Observatory (the Three-year special youth plan) by the Head of state H.E. President Paul Biya to the Youth 2. Education and Registration on the electoral register of ELECAM,  3. Registered over 200 youth on job seekers list by the National Employment Fund  4. Registration of over 160 youth on the local production poultry project with GIZ and the Jakiri Veterinary school where some of the players and supporters also registered The training an...

Donga Mantung to host 2018 International Music day

Donga Mantung will host the International Music day 2018 The first ever Donga Mantung Musicians union was form this week under the Ministry of Arts and culture. The formation of the Donga Mantung musicians union was during the first ever-contact meeting with musical artists in Donga Mantung. The meeting took place at the Divisional Delegation of Arts and Culture Donga Mantung, which is lodge in the premises of the Delegation of Public Works, brought together musicians from Donga Mantung. and  presented at by the Divisional Delegate of Art and Culture Donga Mantung in the present of Divisional Delegate of Youth Affairs Gama signs, Labour and Social Security, the Divisional President for the National Youth Council Abanda Marcel witness the elections of Shadrach Chifu as President, Tantoh Dassy Ndze, Secretary General and Ngachu Rahap as treasurer among others. Abanda Marcel talking to the Musicians advice them in the elections to respect gender and make all the Subdivisions of ...
Donga Mantung PIB, only  1% for Physical and Financial  realization D onga Mantung needs more projects than any Division in Cameroon. Hon. Abe Micheal , Chairman Donga mantung Participatory follow-up committee.  The Divisional Participatory Follow Committee of meeting for the execution of Public Investment projects in Donga Mantung for took place at the MINEPAT Conference hall in Nkambe this week AS OF April 17/2018, realization of projects in Donga Mantung stood at 1% for Physical and Financial realization with the majority of the projects still to takeoff, due to poor or no collaboration between the tec hnical services (Delegates). Donga Mantung SDO questioned “Are we sure, we will realize 100% at the end of the Year", considering that we are already in the 4th month of the Year” and he continued all actors involved that “We shall not tolerate failure" The year from PIB, a total of 62 projects worth some some 758.503.000frs is allocated to Donga mantung. ...

Over CFAF 31 Billion for Nkambe Council Development Plan

Over CFAF 31 Billion for Nkambe Council Development Plan By ABANDA Marcel   Presentation by LSO Here is the executive Summary of the entire plan, as written and presented by the Technicians (LSO) who carried out the diagnosis. The plan was adopted last Monday 26 th   March 2018 at the Nkambe town Hall in the Present of the  Administration  of Donga mantung, All the Fons of Nkambe, Village Development Presidents, civil society, Sectorial Ministries, Councilors and Partners. In the present context of decentralization and the fight against poverty and with the implementation of the Growth and Employment strategic document (GESP)/SDGs, the local institutions have become the centre and actors in socio-economic development at the level of their municipality. Faced with the new challenges and considering that the institutions are weak, the Government of Cameroon has put in place a number of technical and financial support programs, with the Natio...