Donga Mantung Female Championship
Finals of the Female Championship in Donga Mantung organised by Abanda Marcel and Sponsor by Rogers Nforgwie with support from Ndu Council Besides bringing the youths together through sports to keeping them very occupied, busy, healthy building their minds positively and mentoring for a better today and tomorrow and in times like the ones we are living in Cameroon, so far, it was more than just sports. We are pleased to say that we have so far attained the following objectives: 1. Register over 180 Youth on the National Youth Observatory (the Three-year special youth plan) by the Head of state H.E. President Paul Biya to the Youth 2. Education and Registration on the electoral register of ELECAM, 3. Registered over 200 youth on job seekers list by the National Employment Fund 4. Registration of over 160 youth on the local production poultry project with GIZ and the Jakiri Veterinary school where some of the players and supporters also registered The training an...