Donga Mantung PIB, only 1% for Physical and Financial realization

Donga Mantung needs more projects than any Division in Cameroon. Hon.Abe Micheal, Chairman Donga mantung Participatory follow-up committee. 

The Divisional Participatory Follow Committee of meeting for the execution of Public Investment projects in Donga Mantung for took place at the MINEPAT Conference hall in Nkambe this week
AS OF April 17/2018, realization of projects in Donga Mantung stood at 1% for Physical and Financial realization with the majority of the projects still to takeoff, due to poor or no collaboration between the technical services (Delegates).
Donga Mantung SDO questioned
“Are we sure, we will realize 100% at the end of the Year", considering that we are already in the 4th month of the Year” and he continued all actors involved that
“We shall not tolerate failure"
The year from PIB, a total of 62 projects worth some some 758.503.000frs is allocated to Donga mantung.
In his closing remarks, the chairman said, “we will not tolerate any franc for projects in Donga Mantung to go back”. “Donga Mantung needs more projects than any Division in Cameroon”. The Divisional Delegate of MINEPAT Donga Mantung Ako Tabe Leo, who saves as the secretary of the Participatory follow –up committee announce that, the Government have allocated additional FCFA 945 millions of project to Nwa Sub Division under the frontier border kids program. FCFA 700 million frs of the projects is under Public works and FCFA 245 million is under MINEPAT Ministries. These border kids projects are in addition to other projects allocated to Nwa this year 2018.
The committee observed with dismayed the poor or no collaboration between the technical services. This was seen in one of the projects in Nwa costing about FCFA 7 million and FCFA 25 million was sent for the project, the MINMAP Delegation Team launched tender for the project without considering the variation of the amounts and with no justification. The committee stops the launching of the bid by MINMAP with this particular project. The service of Public works will do an estimate of a bridge and two culverts for the FCFA 25 million instead of just two culverts for FCFA 25 million. 
This was also the first time the SDO and all his etat Major attended the Participatory follow – up committee. Their participation was to restore order and corruption practices as allege and as echo by one of the collaborator, considering that the committee was facing some challenges, owing members two sessions that they have not paid in 2017. The two sessions were paid and the first session for 2018 not paid. it was alleged that, the bills were raised and funds disposed but the participants did not receive their transportation. Another allegation from the follow up committee is that, members most of the members received less than half of what they are due. Records with different amount are sent to the hierarchy. The is clearing because members sign with their National Identity cards numbers and allow the space of Amount blank. Couple with that and others embezzlement allegations scandals, a team from the Prime Minister’s office to Donga Mantung for investigation. Till date, no report about the investigations the Prime Ministers team carried.  The matter is yet to settle as alleged couple with the fact that the main person who raised the alarm and was following up the malpractices Pastor Valentine who was the vice president of the committee was replaced by the Presbytery Secretary Donga Mantung, is said investigation is still on going o
Border Kids Projects,
Nwa just received 945millions making a total of 1.703.503.000FCFA, allocation to Donga Mantung as of Now.


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